Welcome to our new website: Otimbi Labs' 2021 vision

Welcome to our new website: Otimbi Labs' 2021 vision

Boulama K. | Otimbi Labs
19 Jan 2021

Happy new year 2021, and welcome to our brand new website: this new website illustrates our 2021 vision and for the future onwards of Otimbi Labs.

First of all, happy new year 2021!

It is going to be a very important and interesting year for us here at Otimbi Labs, for the simple reason that we have a lot going on internally. Let’s discuss our main focus of this year: going global.

In order to fulfill Otimbi’s vision to become a global tech provider, we decided to focus our 2021 effort on expanding to more markets. First, we redesigned our website and adopted English as our first language.

A bit of Otimbi’s history

I founded Otimbi Labs in 2016 when I was 19 years old, after working as a freelancer for couple years. After founding Otimbi, we have been working with high profile clients ranging from local startups, corporations and the government. For the past 5 years, we’ve built software for schools, banks, law firms etc. We are the proud software provider for various African, East-asian, and American firms.

Of course in those years we’ve faced lots of successes and also our fair share of losses (it’s the game). But we’ve grown tremendously, as of Dec 2020, we’ve had 168 clients/projects completed in over 20 countries!

2020 and the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 has been a very interesting year for us in the software industry. While losing many clients, we have also noted a tremendous increase in new clients influx (+195%!!) compared to 2019. We can definitely talk about how the pandemic affected us in depth in another blog post. But long story short, even though we’ve lost a relatively large number of clients due to the pandemic, the opposite also happened; especially thanks to businesses that decided to take this uncertain time as an opportunity to embrace technology in order to modernize their business.

What did we learn?

Otimbi has been remote since inception in 2016, with an office in Niamey that hosts sales teams & support. However, engineering and development has been remote since the beginning. And what the pandemic taught us is that being remote is the way to go for software companies. We’ve seen an incredible growth in requests from international clients especially Australia, Germany and USA, the latter accounted for more than 50% of Otimbi’s clients in 2020.

What are we doing about it?

It is clear that being remote is where our world has headed, and the pandemic has just been a catalyzer. The advantage of being remote is access to the global market. The Global enterprise software spending will reach $400 billion by the end of this year.

After 5 years on the market, 168+ clients in 20+ countries, I believe that Otimbi Labs is ready to serve the global software market by providing quality software engineering services varying from website development, to large enterprise software development.

Feel free to reach out to our team by contacting us and booking a free 30 min consultation call.

TL;DR: Otimbi Labs’s website is now in English.

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Otimbi Labs Software development

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Welcome to our new website: Otimbi Labs' 2021 vision

Happy new year 2021, and welcome to our brand new website: this new website illustrates our 2021 vision and for the future onwards of Otimbi Labs.
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